Home Séminaire en Mathématiques
Séminaire en Mathématiques

Séminaire en Mathématiques

2022-07-22 to 2022-08-11


in no particular order

Donald Chui (Tonbridge School)
Ron Shum (La Salle College)
James Cheung (Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School)
Eaton Liu (La Salle College)
Anson Wong (La Salle College)
Max Ng (La Salle College)
Lap Kiu Fan (La Salle College)
Ben Zhang (La Salle College)


Indicate your availability here: https://forms.gle/iEwAaZqHUvbe9RLu9

Every lecture given will be followed by a short session of Ben teaching Rudin’s Principles of Mathematical Analysis to encourage participation.

DateTime (UTC+8)SpeakerTopicLocation
2022-07-221500Ben ZhangOpening CeremonyZoom
2022-07-271500Eaton LiuGoogology 1/2Google Meet
2022-08-021600Eaton LiuGoogology 2/2Google Meet
2022-08-111500Eaton LiuGoogology 3/2Google Meet


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